Improve Your Peak Performance Continuously & Sustainably In Any Pursuit In JUST 2 Steps!
Is it possible to continuously and sustainably improve your peak performance in any pursuit? It is common for people in various fields, ranging from business, sales, marketing, speaking, teaching/coaching/training, sports, physical training, improving body aesthetics and stage performing, etc, to focus on the technical aspects of the relevant fields in their attempts to improve peak performance. While the field-specific technical aspects are definitely important in those specific contexts, I feel that there is a need to emphasize on the non-technical aspects to improve alignment between the goals, natural tendencies, action plans and many more within both the conscious and unconscious of an individual for the technical aspects in any pursuit to work like magic.
Going into the conscious and unconscious, generally, human beings are approximately 2% conscious of what goes through their minds. This means to say, for most of us, 2% of our thoughts (logical/emotional/etc) are surface enough for us to easily be aware of their existence. The other 98% requires us to dig deeper into imploring ourselves in order to bring them to awareness. It is very common for books and resources to illustrate the concept of the conscious and unconscious. This concept is illustrated in different ways to varying degrees of accuracy and precision. Some resources say human beings have a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. Others say the same thing but replace the word “unconscious” with “subconscious”. There are also resources that say human beings have three minds, conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Some go to the extent of subdividing the subconscious and unconscious further.
2% conscious, 98% unconscious
The way I illustrate the concept of conscious and unconscious is to see that all of us human beings each has infinite minds with consciousness of these minds varying from conscious to unconscious on a continuous spectrum. Just as hot and cold are opposing ends of a continuous spectrum, conscious and unconscious are opposing ends of a continuous spectrum. Every one of us has many thoughts (logical/emotional/etc) on our minds at any moment in time. Among all these thoughts on a typical person’s many minds, only a small number of them are on the minds that are sufficiently conscious for him to be easily aware of their existences. These are the 2% surface thoughts. The other 98% of the thoughts are commonly beyond this typical person’s awareness. To access these remaining deeper thoughts, various methods of imploring deeply into the self can be employed. These methods can include deep reflection sessions, journaling, meditation, hypnosis, counselling, life-coaching, art therapy, etc.
Conscious & unconscious are opposing ends of a continuous spectrum, just like hot & cold. 
Coming back to the question on the possibility of continuously and sustainably improving your peak performance and ability to sustain staying in that state in any pursuit, my answer is a definite yes! In fact, achieving such improvement is actually very simple, requiring just 2 steps:
1. Set Yourself Up For Continuous Progress
2. Be On Your Path Of Continuous Progress
These 2 steps are in line with Be Your Omni Best’s signature solution, The OmniBest Method.
Going into “1. Set Yourself Up For Continuous Progress”, the 3 main processes, in order of sequence to to go through, are:
Clarify Your Goals
1a. Clarify Your Goals
Lack of clarity in your goals can lead to a misalignment within yourself, which can lead to either a lack of progress towards your goals achievement or a lack of happiness from achieving the goals. For example, the surface level goal of starting a business and wanting the business to take off may stem from a deeper goal of wanting to have more than a full-time income without full-time commitment to a job. If the deeper goal is not uncovered, the action plan might lead one towards getting the business to take off such that one have more than a full-time commitment without consideration of automation and scaling. This leads to a misalignment within oneself, which can lead to either a lack of business take off or a lack of happiness from having a business take off. Should the business take off under such circumstances, one will find himself in a position where he feels tempted to sabotage himself since his unconscious is not satisfied with his external reality. Similarly, the surface level goal of wanting to progress well in physical training may stem from a deeper goal of wanting a mobile and fit body that stands the test of passage of time. If this deeper goal is not uncovered, the action plan might lead one towards overemphasis on typical stationary two-dimensional exercises (ie, bench press, rows, squats, deadlifts, etc) and neglecting mobility improving three-dimensional exercises and structural alignment maintaining rehabilitation works. This can lead to either a loss of motivation at some point, or one feeling like something is missing with his fitness routine.
Maximize Your Strengths
1b. Maximize Your Strengths
Everyone has different strengths arising from different traits. These strengths can be conscious and unconscious. If you have strengths that are unconscious, you may not fully know what allowed you to progress thus far, making your progress and high-level performance hard to replicate, especially under different circumstances. Since a typical person is only 2% conscious, most of what he knows about his strengths are probably not real contributors to his success or progress thus far. This means to say, he is very likely to attribute his current achievements to only a small percentage of all his actual contributing qualities. Some of these qualities that he attributes his current level of progression to may not even be real contributors, but hindering him without his knowing even! Knowing what actually contributes to your current achievements and progress is important as it helps you to focus on what to continue to reinforce. If you are in a field that involves you imparting what you know to others, ie, teaching, coaching, training, knowing what actually contributes to your progress would be even more crucial to impart more of what is relevant to your students trying to replicate your success.
Identify Your Obstacles
1c. Identify Your Obstacles
Similar to what contributes to your achievement and progress so far, you probably face obstacles arising from different traits. These obstacles may or may not be within your awareness. An obstacle that is beyond your awareness can arise from a trait that you are unconscious of, or even from a trait that contributes to your success in another context but hinders you in your said pursuit. Going back to the concept of typical 2% conscious, someone is likely to overlook most of what really hinders him and even wrongly avoid things that do not really obstruct his progress in his pursuit. Knowing what actually contributes to your obstacles and hindrances is important as it helps you to focus on what to avoid or even confront to overcome. If you are in a field that involves imparting what you know to others, ie, teaching, coaching, training, knowing what actually contributes to your obstacles would be even more crucial to alert your students of all the correct potential pitfalls when they try to replicate your success.
Going into “2. Be On Your Path Of Continuous Progress”, the 3 main processes, in order of priority, that need to be addressed are:
Track & See Your Progress
2a. Track And See Your Progress

In order to know if you are improving and becoming better at your chosen pursuit, you need to track your progress. That means coming up with a list of metrics or dimensions and foresee how they should change to indicate that you are progressing in the right direction. This form of progress tracking should:
I. Be based on your most clarified and updated goals from part 1a earlier for internal alignment.
II Take stage/timing of pursuit achievement into consideration
For criteria I, back to the example of physical training pursuit mentioned in part 1a, before uncovering the deeper goal of wanting a mobile and fit body as well as age gracefully, the relevant metrics or dimensions might revolve around the weights and number of repetitions one can lift for typical stationary two-dimensional exercises (ie, bench press, rows, squats, deadlifts, etc), and the speed of increasing those numbers would indicate one’s progress. However, upon uncovering the deeper goal, one will quickly realize that the relevant metrics should also include his ability to effectively and gracefully maneuver around the three-dimensional space in everyday context as well as a reduction in body aches and pains from staying stationary for prolonged periods. Furthermore, he will also realize that the speed of increasing the weights and number of repetitions he can lift for typical stationary two-dimensional exercises might not be as crucial, and even see that certain exercises substitutions (ie, bench press to push-ups) are more in line with his deeper goals.

For criteria II, back to the example of business pursuit mentioned in part 1a, after uncovering the deeper goal of wanting to have more than a full-time income without full-time commitment to a job, depending on the stage of pursuit achievement, the progress tracking would be different. At the initial phase, when the business has yet to take off, naturally, more time might be needed, depending on the type of business. At this stage, progress would not be indicated by whether one can limit time spent on the business to not pass a certain amount. Instead, it would be on whether the business is developed such that it can run with limited dependency on his continued presence in future. This includes the presence of clear and simplified processes and tried and tested standard operating procedures. Only after past this stage, as well as the later stage of handing over to capable executives hired to run important operations of the business with the developed standard operating procedures refined during the handing over process, would progress be indicated by whether he can limit time spent on the business.

2b. Energy (Lifeforce/Chi/Prana/Reiki/Qigong/Etc) Works
Poor vibrational energy circulation can result in blockages, hindering you from progressing in your pursuit or reaching your goals. These blockages are also known as energetic blockages. Energetic blockages can hinder you from progressing in your pursuit in different ways. Apart from hindering you from picking up or applying the relevant technical skills in your field of pursuit, these blockages can also hinder you from successfully going through the processes covered earlier, which are “Clarify Your Goals”, “Maximize Your Strengths”, “Identify Your Obstacles” and “Track And See Your Progress”. These energetic blockages happen due to deeply rooted issues.  Such deeply rooted issues include past traumatic/repressive experiences, unhelpful experiences with parents/teachers/trainers, unhelpful experiences with peers, and many more. It is important to note that a psychological blockage is a form of energetic blockage. To address this at the superficial levels, energy (lifeforce/chi/prana/reiki/qigong/etc) healing helps to facilitate the flow of these invisible forces of repetitive behavioural/thinking/feeling patterns stemming from the unresolved deeply rooted issues. To address this at the roots, psychological processing can be employed. Psychological processing can take place in different settings, including deep reflecting journaling, meditation, art therapy, hypnosis or counselling at top level standards. The important part is for the processing to take place in a safe environment and in the presence of someone trustworthy and knows what he is doing. The general steps for psychological processing of deeply rooted issues are:
1. Uncover
2. Acknowledge
3. Address
4. Reframe
5. Make peace / let go
Thought Coherence
2c. Thought Coherence
Coming back to the concept of conscious and unconscious, since us human beings have infinite minds with consciousness of these minds varying from conscious to unconscious on a continuous spectrum, we naturally have thoughts (logical/emotional/etc) and thought patterns with varying levels of consciousness. These thoughts from varying consciousness levels do not necessarily gel well with one another. Since a lot of these thoughts are unconscious, you are likely to have many unconscious parts of yourself argue with the conscious parts of yourself, as well as many unconscious parts of yourself argue with each other. You are probably aware of some of these internal dialogues going on in your mind. These are the known internal conflicts. However, since a typical person is only 2% conscious, most of these internal dialogues you have are beyond your awareness. If you ever felt unexplained waves of tiredness, there is a very good chance that it is because the external environment or situation triggered different parts of your unconscious to argue with each other. What makes things worse, is that the less conscious parts of yourself which you are unaware of gets projected outwards onto someone else, making you feel like that person is the one who you are having a conflict with, not knowing that the external conflict between you and that someone else arises from an internal conflict in yourself and possibly that someone else too. This is not easy to address, as it requires a mindset shift for all known internal conflicts and high levels of self-awareness to know the internal conflicts. To make unknown internal conflicts known, deep reflecting journaling, meditation, art therapy, hypnosis or counselling can be employed. For the known internal conflicts, the questions you can ask yourself, to lead you towards internal coherence, are “Does these 2 different viewpoints/goals/strategies/outlook need to contradict each other? Can they support each other? Can I align them with one another? Can I align myself with both of them concurrently?”
By now, you probably can see that the 2 steps are simple, but definitely not easy. Both steps’ processes require you to dig deeper into yourself to uncover things that you do not know yet, then align them with your external reality. In order to do so effectively, it requires you to adopt the mindset that you do not know everything about yourself or the people around you yet. This mindset should also be maintained even as you reach higher levels of breakthrough as you repeatedly follow these 2 steps’ processes iteratively to reach greater depths of your own unconscious to understand both yourself and the people around you more deeply. Maintaining the mindset that you do not know everything about yourself or the people around you yet not just allows you to stay humble, it makes you more forgiving towards both yourself and others, as well as allow you to continuously progress in any field, business, sales, marketing, speaking, teaching/coaching/training, sports, physical training, improving body aesthetics and stage performing, etc.
This gives an overview of The OmniBest Method.
The OmniBest Method
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